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Sensory Overload ADHD: Symptoms, Causes & Treatments 2024

Mitchelle Morgan

Updated on - Written by
Medically reviewed by Jennifer Olejarz, Nutritionist & Health Coach

sensory overload adhd
Sensory overload may occur when you have ADHD.

Is sensory overload a symptom of ADHD?

Yes, it is, and here you’ll learn how this ADHD symptom affects your life and how to treat it.

Sensory overload is common if you live with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, i.e., ADHD. It’s usually overwhelming, making you unable to carry on, and it can significantly impact your daily life. 

However, several coping mechanisms and treatments can help manage sensory processing difficulties. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the signs, causes, and treatments of sensory overload ADHD.

What Is Sensory Overload ADHD?

When you have ADHD, you may experience sensory overload — the inability to process and react to sensory stimuli normally. 

Sensory overload can happen in any of the five senses and cause symptoms like emotional outbursts, difficulty concentrating, and panic attacks. It may appear with external triggers, such as loud noises or bright lights, or independently. Everyone processes sensory information differently, so some are more susceptible than others. 

You can improve the everyday functioning and quality of your life with ADHD by detecting and managing sensory overload with effective coping strategies, like diet and therapy.

The Connection Between Sensory Overload And ADHD

If you live with ADHD, you may have different brain structures and functions, particularly in the regions responsible for attention, executive function, emotional regulation, and sensory processing.

The amygdala,[1] for example, has an irregular pattern of emotional-related activity with ADHD. This brain section is responsible for emotional responses due to a trigger in the environment. And since its size is smaller in adult ADHD, these structural and functional differences may increase the likelihood of sensory overload.[2]

This can lead to various symptoms, including difficulty paying attention, irritability, emotional outbursts, and panic attacks. You might feel easily overwhelmed by multiple sensory inputs and struggle to cope with common triggers such as loud noises, bright lights, weird fabric textures, or strong smells.

ADHD Sensory Overload Symptoms

The type of ADHD sensory overload adults experience can vary in intensity and duration. The symptoms may be manageable in minor cases while overwhelming and debilitating in extreme cases. 

Here are some common symptoms of sensory overload in child and adult ADHD that may also be characteristic autistic symptoms:

  • Overwhelmed by sensory stimuli: If you have ADHD, you may be easily overwhelmed by sensory information like touch, sound, taste, sight, and smell. You might feel agitated or anxious when exposed to loud noises, pressurized touch, strong smells, weird textures, or bright lights.
  • Difficulty filtering sensory information: Adults and children with ADHD struggle to filter irrelevant sensory information. This can lead to distractibility, difficulty focusing, and trouble paying attention in class or at work.
  • Physical discomfort: Sensory overload can cause physical discomfort, such as headaches, sweating, nausea, hyperventilation, or fatigue.
  • Emotional responses: If you have ADHD, you may also experience strong emotional responses to sensory overloads, such as frustration, irritation, anger bouts, or anxiety attacks.
  • Behavioral changes: Sensory overload can lead to changes in certain behaviors, such as withdrawing from social situations or avoiding specific environments. You may also easily fall into a fight-or-flight response.[3]

It’s important to note that ADHD sensory issues can vary from person to person and can be triggered by different sensory inputs or environmental factors. Seeking professional help from an occupational therapist or another healthcare provider can help with ADHD-sensory issues in adults and kids.

Causes Of ADHD Sensory Overload

Here are some common causes of sensory overload if you live with ADHD:

  • Sensory processing disorder:[4] Sensory processing disorder affects how your brain processes and regulates sensory information, resulting in sensory overload if you have ADHD.
  • Environmental factors: Certain environmental factors, such as loud noises, bright lights, and strong smells, can trigger sensory overload. Competing sensory information can also cause sensory overload.
  • Neurological factors: Neurological factors like atypical sensory profiles[5] or sensory modulation issues can lead to sensory overload. An atypical sensory profile is when the brain perceives stimuli differently. In such cases, all five senses react when something triggers one sense. 
  • Lifestyle and daily factors: Changing your routine, even fabric or food textures, might result in sensory overload.
  • Nutritional deficiencies: Brain-rich nutrients such as vitamin D,[6] zinc,[7] omega-3 fatty acids,[8] B vitamins, and magnesium are vital for cognition and emotional regulation. With a deficiency, sensory overload may occur.
  • Other disorders: Sensory overload can be a symptom of other neurodevelopmental disorders like autism spectrum disorder[9] or sensory processing problems.

It’s important to note that each person with ADHD may have different sensory overload causes. Working with a healthcare professional to identify and address these factors is essential.

How To Cope With Sensory Overload ADHD

As someone who experiences sensory overload frequently, it may feel impossible to socialize with others or go out and have fun in public. The good news is that you can deal with discomfort in several ways when in public. While some solutions are immediately effective, others require some acclimation.

Here are some tips for coping with and managing these ADHD symptoms:

  • Avoid sensory triggers: Knowing what overloads any of your five senses is the first way to cope with overload cases. This means that if you know that certain sounds, light intensities, or textures bother you, try to avoid them.
  • Take breaks: It’s important to take breaks when feeling overwhelmed. Walking outside, listening to calming music, practicing meditation, or practicing deep breathing can help.
  • Using natural remedies: Natural remedies like detox baths, nutrition support, or essential oils to calm the mind might help.
  • Create a sensory-friendly environment: By clearing clutter, utilizing soft lighting, and avoiding loud noises, you can create a sensory-friendly setting. It also helps if you explain this to the people you spend the most time with so they help whenever possible.
  • Occupational therapy: Occupational therapy[10] can help you learn coping mechanisms and develop strategies for managing sensory overload. This includes training to manage different everyday activities.
  • Sensory diet: A sensory diet[11] involves incorporating specific sensory activities into your daily routine to help regulate your sensory system. This can include activities like deep pressure, walking, small chores, playing instruments, or tactile input. Tactile processing includes touch sensory activities such as running various textures on the skin, handling pets, brushing hair, or using sensory toys.
  • Emotional regulation: Learning self-regulation of your emotions can also help manage sensory overload. Mindfulness practices, such as meditation or yoga, can be beneficial.

By implementing these coping mechanisms and strategies, you can better manage sensory overload associated with ADHD.


Now that you have a definitive answer to the question, “Do people with ADHD have sensory issues?” — prevention becomes possible. 

Preventing sensory overload involves managing and controlling the environment to avoid sensory overstimulation.

Here are some tips that may help you prevent sensory over-responsivity if you are greatly affected:

  • Avoid noisy and crowded places such as malls, concerts, or parties.
  • Avoid spaces where you can inhale cigarette smoke or strong odors, which might overload your sensory stimulation.
  • Use earplugs or noise-canceling headphones to block out unwanted sounds.
  • Keep your environment calm and organized by reducing clutter and keeping a routine.
  • Use soft lighting and avoid bright or flashing lights.
  • Wear comfortable clothing that doesn’t cause discomfort or irritation.
  • Take breaks and engage in relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation.
  • Practice good sleep hygiene to get enough rest and avoid fatigue.
  • Incorporate regular exercise into your routine to promote overall health and reduce stress.
  • Consider occupational therapy, counseling, or online treatment to learn coping strategies and manage sensory issues to develop flexible thinking and sensory integration. Sensory integration[12] involves training your ADHD brain to organize, process, and respond appropriately to stimuli.


Managing sensory overload with ADHD can be challenging, but there are ways to cope and prevent overwhelming sensory experiences from occurring. 

By implementing strategies such as planning, creating a sensory-friendly environment, and practicing mindfulness, you can minimize the effects of sensory overload and improve your overall well-being.

It’s important to prioritize a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, and enough sleep. To benefit from medical treatments, you can enlist the help of family, friends, or support groups.

With these techniques, you can feel more in control and lessen the effects of sensory oversensitivity in your day-to-day life.

+ 12 sources

Health Canal avoids using tertiary references. We have strict sourcing guidelines and rely on peer-reviewed studies, academic researches from medical associations and institutions. To ensure the accuracy of articles in Health Canal, you can read more about the editorial process here

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Mitchelle Morgan

Medically reviewed by:

Jennifer Olejarz

Mitchelle Morgan is a health and wellness writer with over 10 years of experience. She holds a Master's in Communication. Her mission is to provide readers with information that helps them live a better lifestyle. All her work is backed by scientific evidence to ensure readers get valuable and actionable content.

Medically reviewed by:

Jennifer Olejarz

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